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Showing posts from May, 2020

My 11th Birthday!!!

Hey guys today I going to show you what I did on my 11th birthday it was on the 22th. Lets get stared. 1. For the first meal of the day we ate cereal we put up pink balloons like my sister birthday. 2. Then we watched a movie 'DOLITTLE' it was very good!   3.Then we had a water balloon fight with our neighbors we had water guns too!! 4.We ate as much as we can but we were sill full ( LOL). 5. We watched a movie with our dad and ate pizza and ate cake the next day.                                            Hope you guys like my post put comment anytime bye.  

3th Birthday!

Hey guys sorry I didn't post anything for so long I was business all the time with my sister's birthday and mine and my dad's all in two weeks. This post is about my sister's 3th birthday!!! For her birthday it was princess them birthday. We used pink balloons and pink and white streamer and put it in the living room. And then we made cupcake pink ones with a lot of colors!!! It was so much fun doing all those thing hope you have a good week and put comments below bye .

5 Things to do with tea and how to make it.

Hey guys today I going to show you 5 things to do with tea and how to make it lets get stared. 1. Fist I get 3 tea bags one for dirking the other two will be something else. 2. I microwave milk for 01:30 put a plate under the mug and start. 3. When waiting pull out some sugar and a spoon and a cup full of water. 4.When the mug is ready put the tea bag in and use the spoon to push all the tea juice out. 5. Before dirking your tea put the cup of water with a plate in put the timer for 01:30 and when done  put the tea bag in the water make sure to push all the juice out because you don't want it to be like that take out a plate and put the tea bags on it. Add 1/2 cup of sugar and mix the tea back and fort because  you don't want  it to go around because it may put all the sugar at the end of the tea cup so when done drinking the tea put the two tea bags on your eyes for two min. And after wash your face with water and your done.                   

8 Tips for growing hair.

Hey guys today I 'm showing you tips how to grow your hair mine hair grow like 4 cm. in half a month which is kind of fast here are some tips for growing lets get stared. 1# I wash my hair with "GARNIER FRUCTIS GROW STRONG. " 2# And I use cold water with it. 3#Wear your hair down as much you can. 4#Brush your air with your head down softly. 5#Put your hair in a braid when you sleep. 6#Wash your hair 2 times a week. 7#Make sure not to brush too much its break hairs. 8#But always if your hair is oily wash it the next day the oil that comes from your head makes your hair grow.  

This or that which is WORSE???

                    Hey guys today I got some this or that Q&A let see what you choose put in                                 the comments. If you don't                                              Eating food that was in the trash or  eating food that was on the floor?                     Forgetting a umbrella on a rainy day or forgetting sunscreen on a sunny day?                                         Live without Netflix    or  live without Disney+?                                                      Getting stuck on he monkey bars or falling after a swing jump                                       Losing your wallet or losing your piggy bank?                                                          Not being allowed in a bounce house or not being allowed in a ball pit?                          Wearing cat eared headband 24/7  or wearing a unicorn horn headband 24/7 ?                         Have an itch that won't go away or have a throat

Mother's Day dollar tree gift basket.

Hey guys you know Mother Day is coming-- do you  have something for her because I sure don't so I 'm making this post for you guys who don't have a gift for their mother. This post is a D.I.Y one so if your a D.I.Y girl like me your in luck.                                                 I 'm doing what my mother likes so if she doesn't like this                                                 don't copy me skip it so I 'm doing..................a dollar tree                                                   gift basket because it's easy and don't cost a lot of money. 1# First get a basket and put the best colors and things on it because you love her very much make it her favorite color its ok to ask her favorite things too.  2# Get things she likes like ball point pens or candy and cookie  make sure you make a card making one is better so it done by you because your mom loves you not that store card. Okay so fit as much you c

Top 10 favorite things.

Hey guys today I 'm going to show you my top 10 favorite things let's get started!                                           1#       My favorite pink hoodie with gold stars.                                           2#           My favorite pink Colorado hat.                                           3#            My favorite biggest toy.                                          4#              My favorite backpack.                                                  5#          My favorite wallet.                                                  6#         My favorite magazine.                                                        7#    My favorite body spray.                                            8#        My favorite smallest toy.                                          9#                My favorite fuzzy pen.                                           10#             My favorite fuzzy pillow.


Hey guys! Today I plan to tell you guys the news in my family . With COVID-19 running around it's not easy to keep a nine-packed family from getting bored when you have seen all the TV shows and played all the games it can get as boring as can be. As the oldest you have find them something to do-- we have played all the games all the bored games. So what should you do?  One day when I was baby sitting my two sisters and one brother, I was washing the dishes and my sister came up to me and said they were bored then I had an idea . You know some times kids played as a cook and they take pots and pans and put toys as food well I had a idea to cut up color paper as food and said they were food and I am the teacher for cooking class. The kids totally loved the idea and we got to work. I hope this idea works if your a baby sitter or a mom . Put comment below bye.


Welcome to my blog! This is my first post and I hope you like it, if you do-- tell your friend! Hope  you like it. Have fun at my blog where there will be: funny stories, my life story, and DIY. I am hoping to post two times a week. Bye, guys hope you like it.