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Hey guys today I have to tell you guys something I have to go for two weeks  because my grandma is coming and I maybe not have time to post for a little but I can try so I 'm going to post this one and one more post for the week I hope you like it. Before we get stared shout out to Saad Rasouil for doing which is  worse challenge so for this post it is a update from WHICH IS WORSE?

                                          Eating a grasshopper OR getting stung by a bee?

                                    Getting a bad haircut OR not getting a haircut for a year?

                            Always having an early bedtime OR always sleeping past your alarm?

                                    Wearing a suit of armor 24\7 OR  wearing a tiara 24\7

                              Eating a spoonful of cat food OR eating a spoonful of dog food?

                               Holding a squirming snake OR holding a crawling tarantula?

                                  Wearing something itchy OR wearing something wet?

                            Being on a never-ending road trip OR taking a really long plan ride?

                       Eating Broccoli with every meal OR eating Brussels sprouts with every meal?

                                  Feeling left out OR making someone felling left out?
                                            Hope you like it please comment bye!!!


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